March speaks to the Lion and the Lamb

Here in Paris, March certainly followed the saying, ‘In like a Lion and Out like a Lamb’. Take a look at what I experienced as the month went along: While I celebrated St. Patrick’s Day under a warm and jovial spell at a Montmartre cafe with old friends and new, the view to the outside proved ‘In like a Lion’: SNOW!2VHeEOVaT4mzTkfBcFtJ4QMy experience has been just what you are seeing here. Rarely does the snow stick on the ground. And, more commonly in my other winter Paris stays, it might snow in the late evening, making the view even more magical with the street lights showing off the glisten and sparkle that only snowflakes offer. 8eqVZmd4TqiDqiaqdOwMxA

Then just a week later, the glorious blue skies sent me on a 10 minute walk to my neighborhood garden, The Luxembourg Gardens. I wanted to see if I was the only one enjoying the warmth. HA! Not so! Yes, we had on jackets-in the low 60 degrees that day-but we were all seeking and finding the pleasure of  the first signs of SPRING! IMG_1296.JPG

The children are hailing this as a day for the outdoors too!


The trees showed their various buds and some had even released their flowers. Tennis anyone?


Even some sailors took advantage of ‘the day of the sun’! IMG_1330.JPG

I saw the Luxembourg gardeners’ were betting on no more frost. IMG_1326.JPG

So, I even decided to follow suit based upon the Luxembourg gardeners’ weather expertise and planted some greenery out my apartment windows…herbs!IMG_1639.JPG

And I did this even though the terrace just to the right looked like this the week before.p0EqfTcbTzWM5rhIeQo1qg

Everywhere I walked in the neighborhood, the florists captured the joy of color!IMG_1615.JPGIMG_1626.JPGQBNGBpjBQie0qga4JKcWzQ.jpg

Paris has embraced springtime, with March ‘Out like a Lamb’!  What about where you live?


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